Today I am Carey

Sara’s Pick: Today I am Carey by Martin L. Shoemaker Set in the near future, an android assists Alzheimer’s patient, Mildred, with long term care. He is able to fill in the gaps in her memory of the past and can replicate the appearance and personality of family members so when she asks “Is that…

The Forgetting

Kathryn’s Pick: The Forgetting by Sharon Cameron “The past is never really gone. It only lies in wait for you, remembered or forgotten.” After browsing for an E-book on our Overdrive site, I stumbled upon The Forgetting. I am so happy that I did. This novel follows our young heroine, Nadia, who lives in the…

The Giver

Dallas’ Pick: The Giver by Lois Lowry Lois Lowery did a wonderful job on this classic novel. I have recently read a newer young adult book Matched by Ally Condie that was so similar to this classic novel I was shocked. You can clearly see where Condie got her inspiration from and I can’t say…

The Maze Runner

Dallas’ Pick: The Maze Runner by James Dashner By now I feel like most people have read this book series or watched the movies, me being me, I have not done either until recently. For starters I thought the book progressed slowly and it was not too exciting until about halfway through. It did speed…


Kathryn’s Pick: Seveneves by Neal Stephenson Neal Stephenson is often recognized for his ability to implement ideas of science, philosophy, mathematics, and history into his novels.  This novel is definitely a representation of that mixed with a wonderful science-fiction plotline. Seveneves is a novel that follows the events caused by the unexplained disintegration of Earth’s Moon…

They Both Die at the End

Kathryn’s Pick: They Both Die at the End by Adam Silvera “You may be born into a family, but you walk into friendships. Some you’ll discover you should put behind you. Others are worth every risk.” – Adam Silvera, They Both Die at the End Adam Silvera hides nothing with this title yet, after reading…


Dallas’ Pick: Warcross by Marie Lu If you believe technology is taking over our world, just wait until you enter into the world of Warcross. A world where glasses that transport you into games, where using your skills is a must, and hackers run wild. Emika Chen living on scraps and barely making a living…

World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War

Kathryn’s Pick: World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War by Max Brooks World War Z is a documentary-like novel that follows the story of multiple survivors left wandering in the decomposing world slowly being overrun by zombies. We as readers get brief glimpses into the lives of these survivors as The Great…

The Immortal Rules

Kathryn’s Pick: The Immortal Rules by Julie Kagawa “To survive in a ruined world, she must embrace the darkness” I honestly went into this book with low expectations because I have read one too many “cliché YA vampire novels”. I am happy to suggest this book because The Immortal Rules turned out to be so much…

The Maze Runner

Kathryn’s Pick: The Maze Runner by James Dashner Before picking up this book I saw The Maze Runner movie adaptation. The movie was interesting but never left me with the urge to pick up the book and discover more. Luckily, I recently changed my mind. After getting through the first few chapters I couldn’t put…